Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Good Versus Evil, Justice Versus Tyranny - 1909 Words

Good versus evil, justice versus injustice, liberty versus tyranny-- in battles such as these, determining who is who is not always easy. In the United States, social, economic, and political differences between the North and the South became increasingly apparent in the early 1800s. Slavery was an invidious discussion at the time, as both sides of the argument fully believed that they were right. The North believed it to be wrong and immoral, while the South believed the opposite. This, along with other highly disputatious issues, led the Union to disunion, and its eventual Civil War. Even though slavery was a sensitive and an anger inducing argument for both Northerners and Southerners already, many events over the course of the 1800s made it more so. In 1856, Senator Charles Sumner, a Massachusetts anti-slavery Republican, gave a speech to the Senate regarding whether Kansas should be admitted to the Union as one that allows slavery, or one that bans and illegalizes it entirely. Sumner took an anti-slavery stance, and ridiculed Stephen Douglas and Andrew Butler, both of whom were senators of Southern states and had pro-slavery views. Representative Preston Brooks was Butler s South Carolina kinsman, so Brooks, who also was a pro-slavery Southerner, had taken Sumner’s virulent speech personally. Brooks traveled to meet with Sumner to address his viewpoint on the speech. Preston, standing before Sumner’s desk, spoke to Sumner, but before Sumner could conjure a response,Show MoreRelatedThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration Essay934 Words   |  4 Pa gesother measures. Although African Americans want to believe that the Clintons have their back, should the same results be expected? 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